Wednesday 29 May 2013

Dual Carriageway Slip Roads with Chloe

Great lesson from Chloe this evening!

Prior to the lesson Chloe had only done slip roads on dual carriageways once or twice and was very anxious about doing them, however her goal/aim for the lesson was to be confident with slip roads and have the confidence to accelerate on them to match the speed of the traffic on the dual carriageway. 

We first talked about what concerns Chloe had with the slip roads and talked about how to overcome these, the main thing was how to deal with coming on to the dual carriageway when cars coming from further down the dual carriageway at speed. The way to deal with this successfully is to make sure you use the slip road to 'match the speed of the traffic on the dual carriageway' if you are going the same speed as them, or faster, then they can't catch you up, therefore they can't cause you a problem.

We started off by me giving Chloe a full talking through when on the slip road, then when Chloe felt she was ready I eased off the instruction, giving her more responsibility herself each time.

By the end of the lesson Chloe smashed her goal and was doing them completely independently and even dealt superbly with coming on to the dual carriageway when a car was coming down the dual carriageway. Chloe said that was her best lesson to date!

Really well done today Chloe!


Laurence Jacquemin ADI - 07890 317907